| 1. | Gets the absolute maximum value allowed 获取允许的绝对最大值。 |
| 2. | The absolute maximum allowed value 允许的绝对最大值。 |
| 3. | Absolute maximum in red colour 红色字型表示绝对最高 |
| 4. | Absolute maximum loss a . m . l 绝对最大损失 |
| 5. | Absolute maximum rating 最大绝对额定值 |
| 6. | Absolute maximum rating 绝对最大定额 |
| 7. | The iik absolute maximum rating specifies the maximum current that may be put through the ground - clamp diode 输入箝位电流iik规定了流过接地箝位二极管的最大电流的绝对最大额定值。 |
| 8. | Corollary let be a continuous function on a closed interval , then can obtain any number between its absolute maximum and its absolute minimum 推论在闭区间上连续的函数必取得介于最大值与最小值之间的任何值。 |
| 9. | The absolute maximum ratings section ( figure 2 ) specifies the stress levels that , if exceeded , may cause permanent damage to the device 绝对最大额定值部分(图2 )规定了耐压等级,如否,就可能对器件造成永久性的损坏。 |